Friday, March 20, 2009

Road Trippin' (By: Tim Cahill)

This was the last spring break of my college career. I really wanted to make the most of it with my friends. It is like our one last hurrah before we face the real world. So, we planned a little road trip.

We headed out of Riverside the next morning at 7 am. The five of us squeezed into my little Honda Civic and all of our luggage and supplies barely fit! We were crammed for space (three girls and two guys), especially with all of the girls luggage.

We drove up the Pacific Coast for about five hours and finally reached our destination for the next two nights, Montana de Oro State Park. This campground is just south of Morro Bay and really close to San Luis Obispo. It is a beautiful campground, but it did have some drawbacks. There was no plumbing, which means no showers or flushable toilets. The girls were great though, and really toughed it out with no complaints. The issue that really made camping rough these two nights, was the wind. It was cold and loud all night, which made sleeping, cooking and camp fires difficult.

We spent two nights there and then traveled further up the coast to Sunset State Beach, which is between Monterey and Santa Cruz. This was by far the best night of camping and sleep. It was so calm and sunny all day. The sunset was beautiful (hence the name Sunset State Beach), and our neighbors were great. Tom Faith was more than willing to give us tips on what to do in Santa Cruz and Monterey, even though we had no time for any of them.

We took off the next morning, and drove to our final destination, my hometown Pacifica. It's just south of San Francisco. It was so good to be at home and to get some good rest.

This was my best spring break in college! It was great to spend time outdoors, with close friends, and with my family.

Tim Cahill

1 comment:

  1. Tim, this is awesome! After this past summer, I'm sure you are a pro at sleeping outside in harsh conditions. Maybe next year you can camp out a week in Yosemite?

