Friday, March 27, 2009

f.r.i.e.n.d.s. (By: Courtney Weatherly)

As the final weeks are winding down and graduation drawing near, I have started to reflect and think on what CBU has given me... some of the greatest friends.

First is Ashleigh. I first met Ashleigh when I was a freshmen. She was an outspoken, water polo player who came from Miami. What I remember most about meeting Ashleigh was how clean she kept her room, how it always smelled like cholorine (from all the swimming), how she loved Keith Urban, and how annoyed she got of anyone who said anything bad about Florida. The summer after sophomore year, Ashleigh married Sterling, also a great guy. Ashleigh is such a great friend. She is always there for me when I need her and is always willing to lend a hand. (Not to mention she’s pretty good at water polo and I don’t mind telling people I know her.) More than anything, I admire Ashleigh’s strength as she is so positive when Sterling has to go away (he is in the NAVY). I am so appreciative of Ash and all of the time that we have had to spend together.

Next, Julie. Sophomore year, some roommate things got changed around and I found myself living in a completely different area with completely new roommates. Julie was one of those roommates. I had known Julie freshmen year but not anywhere close to where I would get to know her in the next semester. Fortunately for she and I, we bonded immediately and had so much fun getting to know each other. We rode our bikes around campus very late at night just talking, we would wait for each other so that we went to bed at the same time, we had myspace wars (where we posted embarrassing pictures of each other on our myspace profiles), we played multiple pranks on each other, and we watched Pride and Prejudice weekly. (I guess that’s the recipe to creating a great friendship.) Though those might seem like the little things, I know our friendship is so strong, and I can go to Julie for anything. I am so happy that Julie and I wound up living together and can’t imagine where I would be without her.

Then there’s Hillary. Freshman year, Hill and I lived on the same hall; but I only knew her as the crazy, blonde girl who liked to dress up. We hung out a few times but it wasn’t until our sophomore year that we really began our friendship. We learned that we have a lot in common: we are both Liberal Studies Majors, our dad’s are both named Bob, our mom’s name both start with an “S”, she is one of three girls - as am I, and we both have an animal named Jack. Hillary is so easy to talk to and the most sincere person that I know. Over the years, Hillary has grown so much and her love of Christ is so evident. She pours into so many people and takes any opportunity she has to share about Christ. I love spending time with Hillary because she makes me laugh more than anyone I know. She can say one word to me and I know exactly what she is thinking. We are also commonly mistaken for each other, not because we look alike but because we are always together. I love Hillary so much and am so grateful for her friendship. When I think about graduating from CBU I am excited but at the same time very sad that I will live over 3 hours away from my best friend. I have grown so much during my time here at CBU and I can attribute so much of that to Hillary.

As you can will be VERY hard to say goodbye.

Courtney Weatherly

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